


* Co-authorship | @ Corresponding authorship

  1. Edenborough K, Supriyati E, Dufault S, Arguni E, Indriani C, Denton J, Sasmono RT, Ahmad RA, Anders KL, Simmons CP (2024). Dengue virus genomic surveillance in the applying Wolbachia to eliminate dengue trial reveals genotypic efficacy and disruption of focal transmission. Scientific Reports 14: 28004. (LINK)

  2. Lin YH, Joubert DA, Kaeser S, Dowd C, Germann J, Khalid A, Denton JA, Retski K, Tavui A, Simmons CP, O’Neill SL, Gilles JRL (2024) The first successful establishment of Wolbachia infected Aedes aegypti using an unmanned aerial vehicle-based release strategy. Science Robotics 9(92): eadk791. (LINK)

  3. Simmons CP, Donald W, Tagavi L, Tarivonda L, Quai T, Tavoa R, Noran T, Manikaoti E, Kareaua L, Abwai TT, Chand D, Rama V, Deo V, Deo KK, Tavuii A, Valentine W, Prasad R, Seru E, Naituku L, Ratu A, Hesketh M, Kenny N, Beebe SC, Goundar AA, McCaw A, Buntine M, Green B, Frossard T, Gilles JRL, Joubert DA, Wilson G, Duong LQ, Bouvier JB, Stanford D, Forder C, Duyvestyn JM, Pacidônio EC, Flores HA, Wittmeier N, Retzki K, Ryan PA, Denton JA, Smithyman R, Tanamas SK, Kyrylos P, Dong Y, Khalid A, Hodgson L, Anders KL, O’Neill SL (2024) Successful introgression of wMel Wolbachia into Aedes aegypti populations in Fiji, Vanuatu and Kiribati. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 18(3): e0012022. (LINK)

  4. Velez ID, Uribe A, Barajas J, Uribe S, Ángel S, Suaza-Vasco JD, Mejia Torres MC, Arbeláez MP, Santacruz-Sanmartin E, Duque L, Martínez L, Posada T, Patiño AC, Gonzalez SM, Velez AL, Ramírez J, Salazar M, Gómez S, Osorio JE, Iturbe-Ormaetxe I, Dong Y, Muzzi FC, Rances E, Johnson PH, Smithyman R, Col B, Green BR, Frossard T, Brown-Kenyon J, Joubert DA, Grisales N, Ritchie SA, Denton JA, Gilles JRL, Anders KL, Kutcher SC, Ryan PA, O’Neill SL (2023) Large-scale releases and establishment of wMel Wolbachia in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes throughout the Cities of Bello, Medellín and Itagüí, Colombia. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 17(11): e0011642. (LINK)

  5. Velez ID, Tanamas SK, Arbelaez MP, Kutcher SC, Duque SL, Uribe A, Zuluaga L, Martínez L, Patiño AC, Barajas J, Muñoz E, Mejia Torres MC, Uribe S, Porras S, Almanza R, Pulido H, O’Neill SL, Santacruz-Sanmartin E, Gonzalez S, Ryan PA, Denton JA, Jewell NP, Dufault SM, Simmons CP, Anders KL (2023) Reduced dengue incidence following city-wide wMel Wolbachia mosquito releases throughout three Colombian cities: Interrupted time series analysis and a prospective case-control study. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 17(11): e0011713. (LINK)

  6. Siddall A, Williams AA, Sanders J, Denton JA, Madden D, Schollar J & Bryk J (2023) UNIGEMS: plasmids and parts to facilitate teaching on assembly, gene expression control and logic in E. coli. Access Microbiology 5 (9), 000596. (LINK)

  7. Gokhale CS@*, Velasque M & Denton JA@* (2023) Ecological Drivers of Community Cohesion. mSystems e00929-22. (LINK)

  8. Velasque M, Denton JA & Briffa M (2023) Under the influence of light: how light pollution disrupts personality and metabolism in hermit crabs. Environmental Pollution 316, 120594. (LINK - not open access)

  9. Denton JA, Joubert DA, Goundar AA & Gilles JRL (2022) International shipments of Wolbachia-Infected Mosquito Eggs - Towards Scale-up of World Mosquito Program Operations. Revue Scientifique et Technique 41(1). (LINK)

  10. Denton JA, Koludarov I, Thompson M, Bryk J & Velasque M (2021) Honey bee cognition as a tool for scientific engagement. Insects 12 (9), 842. (LINK)

  11. Feng X, Kambic L, Nishimoto JHK, Reed FA, Denton JA, Sutton JT & Gantz VM (2021) Evaluation of pigmentation gene knock-outs by CRISPR as potential targets for the genetic engineering of Culex quinquefasciatus. CRISPR Journal 4(4): 595–608. (LINK - not open acess)

  12. Bozdag GO, Ono J, Denton JA, Karakoc E, Hunter N, Leu JY & Greig D (2021) Breaking a Species Barrier by Enabling Hybrid Recombination. Current Biology 31(4). (LINK)

  13. Lopez-Huerta VG, Denton JA, Nakano Y, Jaidar O, Garcia-Munoz M & Arbuthnott GW (2021) Striatal bilateral control of skilled forelimb movement. Cell Reports 34(3). (LINK)

  14. Denton JA@* & Gokhale CS@* (2020) Synthetic Symbiosis under Environmental Disturbances. mSystems 5(3). (LINK)

  15. Denton JA* & Gokhale CS* (2019) Synthetic symbiosis and the intervention dilemma. Life 9(1), 15. (LINK)

  16. Denton JA@ & Reynolds CS (2018) Limping Along and Lagging Behind: The Law and Emerging Gene Technologies. James Cook University Law Review 24 (61-75). (LINK)

  17. Bryk J, Reeves RG, Reed FA & Denton JA@ (2017) Transcriptional effects of a positive feedback circuit in Drosophila melanogaster. BMC Genomics 18(10) 990. (LINK)

  18. Denton JA*, Ghosh A* & Marquez-Lago TT (2015) Asymmetrical inheritance of plasmids depends on dynamic cellular geometry and volume exclusion effects. PLOS One 10(10). (LINK)

  19. Rogers DW, Denton JA, McConnell E & Greig D (2015) Experimental Evolution of Species Recognition. Current Biology 25(13). (LINK)

  20. Reeves RG, Bryk J, Altrock PM, Denton JA & Reed FA (2014) First steps towards underdominant genetic transformation of insect populations. PLOS One 9(5). (LINK)

  21. Reeves RG, Denton JA, Santucci F, Bryk J & Reed FA (2012) Scientific Standards and GM Insects. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 6(1). (LINK)

  22. Denton JA & Kelly JM (2011) Disruption of Trichoderma reesei cre2, encoding an ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase, results in increased cellulase activity. BMC Biotechnology 11:103. (LINK)



* Co-authorship | @ Corresponding authorship

  1. Denton JA*@, Velasque M* & Reed FA (2021) Cross-species Transcriptomic Network Analysis Reveals Links Between Ribosomal Protein Mutation and Cancer. bioRxiv (LINK)

  2. Velasque M, Tan Y, Liu A, Luscombe NM & Denton JA@ (2021) Suppressed eusocial reproduction supports evolutionary convergence over co-option. bioRxiv (LINK)